Sunday, November 15, 2015

Fun Metallic Body Tattoos

*Received product free for honest and unbiased review

I was really excited to try out these tattoos, they just take you back to your childhood but in a new aged way. Putting on these tattoos will always be fun and I got to share the experience with my daughter and she loved it. Although I couldn't get a picture because she would not sit still long enough (Hahaha) she picked the ones she wanted and we did it till she was tired of it.
They are still applied the same way, with water and a few seconds of waiting for it to stick to skin. It actually went by faster than how it was when we were kids and they don't rub off as easily when set, once you peel back the paper the whole tattoo came off. Now when it gets wet in showers it stays on about 3 days, mine was on my wrist constantly in touch with water so I would say my butterfly did pretty good. We have plenty left over, it provides plenty sheets of colorful prints so I will be entertaining Laila and her cousins this week with these.

Here's a Link to a How-To Video I Made for My Tattoo:

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